August 20, 2021

Working with Providers Resources

The NDIA states that providers are critical to the success of the NDIS and further states that, we need a strong and vibrant provider market that contributes to improving outcomes for participants".  We wholeheartedly agree with these statements and acknowledge that service providers can make a direct contribution to the quality of life experienced by participants and their families. Therefore, being informed as to how to source and select a quality provider is vital for all participants and their families.

We thought it might be helpful to share the below information and link to the NDIA “Working with Providers” resource page. This helpful page contains information from;  what is a service provider? to how to source the best one for you. There is also information on pricing structures and safeguards.

Please follow the link below -

We hope you find this information helpful.

Further Reading


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If you are ready to engage Click Plan Management then Sign Up Now to get your NDIS goals underway. Then you can get on with the more important things in life – like LIVING!

If you have any questions before selecting us as your Plan Manager, then please contact us via our Live Chat or contact form below. We will be happy to answer all your queries and provide any further information regarding our service.

We look forward to being your "PLAN MANAGER".

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